
Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude from this incredible weekend! We can’t possibly thank you all enough for showing us the love with conversations, gifts, hugs, high-fives, and simply just being there enjoying the company of strangers and friends alike at the magical place we call the Red Wing Roots Music Festival. We hear from our artist friends over and over again about what a special festival this is and it’s because of you!

We are lucky enough to work with an amazing team of people behind the scenes that don’t get the credit they deserve but we couldn’t do it without all of the volunteers and festival staff. A special shout-out goes to Jeremiah and Mike for the tireless detail and delivery that goes into a production such as this. We are pretty sure they don’t sleep for the months leading into the festival and somehow pull off the highlight of our year time and time again.

As we unwind and look back at what made Red Wing IV so special, remember that the unity and love shown this weekend should not be unique to the Red Wing bubble. Carry that feeling back to the real world and take care of yourself and those around you. We are all better than the headlines want us to believe. We can do this. ‪#redwingroots‬

Oh my Red Wing, take me softly
To my home now, to my family
Oh my Red Wing, hold me closely
Take me under the setting sun

– The Steel Wheels, Brian, Eric, Jay & Trent