
We have had a whirlwind summer and fall, with a lot of miles and a lot of great shows behind us. After a summer packed with festivals, which took us to Kansas, Nova Scotia, Michigan, and many points between, we come back full of inspiration and new ideas to make Red Wing III better than ever!

Our first fall tour took us to some familiar territory in Texas, where we played at some of our favorite old haunts and even shared a show with Red Wing I alum JD McPherson.

In November, we blazed some new trails out in the great Northwest, playing for the first  in Seattle and Portland, as well as numerous other spots in Oregon and northern Cali. Hitting new markets is a little scary, but we were thrilled to receive a warm welcome and meet up with old and new friends on the West Coast. It feels amazing to travel thousands of miles from our home and still find that we can connect with people through a love of music and shared vision of community. Throughout all our travels, we were spreading the news of this great little festival back home, and people all across the country want to come to our valley and be a part of the experience!

We are back home for the holidays, with just a few shows in December before we take about a month off. However, we are certainly not squandering our time.  We have been hard at work on a brand new album! Recorded in Harrisonburg the week before Red Wing II, the new album is full of songs about travel and what it means to make your way through life with passion and purpose. For the first time ever we are asking for help from our fans to fund the recording and release of our project, entitled Leave Some Things Behind. Join us in making it a reality and pre-order your copy today!

And as for those December shows, one of them happens to be a very special show presented by Red Wing Roots. On Sunday, December 14th in Charlottesville VA, we will be playing at the Jefferson Theater, with the wonderful Red Wing II alum David Wax Museum opening for us. We will have a great time, and have some exciting announcements about the festival. We hope to see you all there!

-The Steel Wheels